Wendy Clark
Caregiver Support Coordinator
Wendy Clark believes that Foster Village Memphis fills a gap in services for Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship families in Shelby County because it provides resources and understanding to foster parents. She tells other parents, “I wish Foster Village existed when we actively fostered. Having such personal support would have made a huge difference.” Wendy is an educator and librarian by trade who started her volunteer work with Foster Village delivering welcome packs and has expanded to caregiver support services. Wendy and her husband have adopted two teenagers from foster care. In total, she has twenty-two years’ experience as a foster mom and is currently a kinship parent. She has experience with both DCS and private agencies, and has been a foster parent co-trainer. Her personal experience as a foster parent in Shelby County is why Wendy whole-heartedly supports Foster Village Memphis in its work.